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Mauritius Research and Innovation Council
operating under the aegis of
Ministry of Tertiary Education, Science and Research

Research, Development and Taxation Incentive -Innovation confirmation (ON PILOT BASIS)
In the 2017/2018 Budget Speech of the Minister of Finance and Economic Development, three measures regarding R, D&I Taxation Benefits were introduced. The MRIC, as main institution responsible for research and innovation has been given the responsibility to support the implementation of the following measure, through the assessment of project innovativeness:
Double Deduction for R, D&I Activities
The Finance (Miscellaneous Provision) Act 2017 introduced a new deduction under section 161A (55) of the Income Tax.
Under this measure a person incurring expenditure on qualified R&D in direct relation to his business is allowed a double deduction (i.e. an additional 100%) of the amount of expenditure incurred
If the R&D is not related, then it is only a 100% deduction which is allowed.
Useful Documents:
To apply, click here.
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