Mauritius Research and Innovation Council
operating under the aegis of
Ministry of Tertiary Education, Science and Research

Provision of Patented Related Support Services

Intellectual Property - related
Support Services
The objectives of the MRIC Technology Transfer Office (MRIC-TTO) are to provide:
(i) technical support to local inventors, and
(ii) assistance in the identification, protection and management of Intellectual Property (IP) that can arise from their activities.
In this context, the MRIC has set up a collaborative agreement with SKS Law Associates to assist local inventors in accessing the following Intellectual Property-related Support Services:
examining characteristics of the inventions to identify novelty, inventive step, and industrial application;
conducting a customised pre-filing patent search (including novelty search) to identify prior art;
providing a Novelty Search Report;
providing a professional/legal opinion on the patentability of inventions;
preparing and drafting of patent applications;
advising on evaluation of technology and commercialisation;
advising on copyright, including computer-implemented inventions and
advising on and drafting of Industrial Design applications
These services offered by the MRIC, with the collaboration of SKS Law Associates, are designed to enable better preparation of the applicant for submission to the Industrial Property Office of Mauritius (IPOM). In this context, the preparation would also be valuable if the applicant wishes subsequently to consider applying for the grant of a patent in another country or region through the Patent Cooperation Treaty.
The collaboration between the MRIC and SKS Law Associates adds to existing measures taken by the Council to promote awareness and the use of IP.
For more details, please see Information Sheet:

Step 1 Application - Applicant completes the relevant Disclosure Form
An invention disclosure is the completion of a form that represents the first recording of the invention and establishes the date and scope.
It should include a comprehensive description of something novel and non-obvious explained in a way that allows anyone of ordinary skill in that particular field or industry to reproduce the invention on their own.
Invention disclosure documents have been used to defeat challenges to dates of invention, inventorship, invention scope, and prior art. If you improperly write your invention disclosure, it can result in a complete loss of your patent rights down the road.

Step 2 Internal preliminary screening
Preliminary screening by Mauritius Research and Innovation Council
Prior to sending the Disclosure form to SKS Law Associates, MRIC will conduct an internal preliminary screening.

Step 3 Application submission - Disclosure Form forwarded to SKS Law Associates
After the preliminary screening of the application, MRIC will forward the Disclosure form to SKS Law Associates for the specified assessment/ service.

Step 4 Confirmation from SKS Law Associates
Upon receipt of the Disclosure form, SKS Law Associates will reply to the applicant whilst confirming the cost and providing its bank details for payment purposes.

Step 5 Payment by applicant
Payment should be made to SKS Law Associates within 30 days from the date of invoice through either bank transfer or internet banking; SKS Law Associates will start working on the request of the applicant upon receipt of payment.
In line with the IPPS, the MRIC will refund 50% of the total amount spent by the applicant issued under one invoice, subject to compliance with conditions for this scheme. (Please note that service no. 8 "Advice on evaluation of technology and Commercialization" is not covered under the IPPS).
The request for refund under IPPS made by the applicant should be made to the Council by email to tto@mric.mu accompanied by supporting documents including (i) invoice issued by SKS Law Associates, (ii) proof of payment by applicant for services delivered (i.e., copy of Telegraphic Transfer/Internet transfer, receipt(s) provided by SKS Law Associates), and (iii) applicant’s National Identity Card.

Step 6 Report from SKS Law Associates
The requested report will be provided to the applicant in compliance with the estimated time-frame and relevant particulars.